Well, I'm back from CTN and what an experience! I had a great time, met a lot of great people, saw a lot of friends and realized I had no idea of how to run a table at a convention! When Josh and I arrived the first thing we noticed was the high level of marketing being employed by the people around us. Banners, posters and flashy signs. Lot's of eye catching color and seductive imagery. We had a couple of black and white posters. Our comics were in black and white. The table was covered with a black cover and we were wearing black and grey shirts. We were about as attractive as a port-a-potty at a truck stop. Despite our visual handicap Josh and I were able to sell some comics and get the word out about our work. We spent time looking at what was working for others and what attendees at the convention were being drawn to. I think we've got some great ideas for our next attempt and I look forward to giving it another go.
Here we are with our boooooooooring table....

We asked one of my board artists, Marty, find us some color. All he could find was this picture of pizza. Lot's of people asked if we were selling pizza, but most people didn't even notice.
One of the convention highlights for me was when about 20 of my friends marched through the convention carrying a cake and singing happy birthday for me. Pure awesomeness.

We met some great animation students from Digipen in Seattle. And this photo proves that chicks dig my comic.
HOT!!!! :)